自从有人论坛里说了这个图表, 垂涎这个好久.
优点: 支持gpu加速, 绘制3d速度快, 各种图表支持.....
我进行了3d绘制测试, 发现确实旋转的时候gpu利用率会明显的上升,而cpu上升并不明显.
我生成了600*600 共36万个点, 然后对它进行旋转缩放, 流畅度还不错, 同样的点数, 在echart和ProEssentials里卡的根本旋转不动
从今天开始进行各种简单的测试吧 , 移植官方的例程.
有测试过的aardio调用代码的也可以回帖分享下. , 大家一起努力把这个例程弄全, 加油
import win.ui; /*DSG{{*/ mainForm = win.form(text="aardio工程";right=1042;bottom=606) mainForm.add() /*}}*/ import web.view; var wb = web.view(mainForm); wb.go("/html/index.html");; return win.loopMessage();
补充一点, 如果要把html和js打包进exe生成独立软件,
首先把html文件夹设置为: 内嵌=true
import web.view; import wsock.tcp.simpleHttpServer; var wb = web.view(mainForm); wb.go(wsock.tcp.simpleHttpServer.startUrl("/html/index.html"));
我对html不熟 , 后面都是针对我自己的理解来写, 正确不正确自己判断.....
以下都是直接对html文件里直接修改, 先不添加aardio交互. 等所有图表测试完, 再弄.
示例2: 点状图
将示例1的第二步 用 addPointSeries() 代替.
上面默认每个数据点都是方块♦, 那么如果要改变下更好区分.
在头部引用中增加 形状引用 PointShape
const { lightningChart, LegendBoxBuilders, PointShape, } = lcjs
2. 在addPointSeries函数里增加属性参数
const smartPhonesSeries = chart.addPointSeries({ pointShape: PointShape.Circle }) const laptopsSeries = chart.addPointSeries({ pointShape: PointShape.Triangle })
头部的图例还是都是以⚪来提示的每个数据点系列, 那么能不能定义成和设定的形状一样呢?
1. 引用中增加 UIElementBuilders / UIButtonPictures
const { lightningChart, LegendBoxBuilders, PointShape, UIElementBuilders, UIButtonPictures, } = lcjs
2. 在图例legend中添加参数
const legend = chart.addLegendBox(LegendBoxBuilders.HorizontalLegendBox) .add(smartPhonesSeries, { builder: UIElementBuilders.CheckBox .setPictureOff(UIButtonPictures.Circle) .setPictureOn(UIButtonPictures.Circle) } ) .add(laptopsSeries, { builder: UIElementBuilders.CheckBox .setPictureOff(UIButtonPictures.Rectangle) .setPictureOn(UIButtonPictures.Rectangle) } )
示例3: 实时波形图
但是我们为了能和aardio交互, 那么先在js里定义一个函数, 用来提供数据给图表
function Add_FromEx(Vx,Vy){ lineSeries.add({x: Vx, y: Vy}) }
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Using chart in HTML page</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- Flexbox styling to have the chart and header fill the page. Chart will take as much space as possible. --> <style> html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; } .box { display: flex; flex-flow: column; height: 100%; } .box .row.header { flex: 0 1 auto; } .box .row.content { flex: 1 1 auto; } </style> <script src="lcjs.iife.js"></script> </head> <body class="box"> <!-- Create div to render the chart into--> <div id="target" class="row content"></div> <!--Actual chart related script tag--> <script> const { lightningChart } = lcjs // Create a XY Chart. const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY({ container: 'target' }) .setTitle('aardio 调用 LightningChartJS') // Set chart title // Add a line series. const lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries() .setName('测试数据1') function Add_FromEx(Vx,Vy){ lineSeries.add({x: Vx, y: Vy}) } </script> </body> </html>
在aardio的mainform中开启定时器, 产生随机数给它,用doScript来执行
import web.view; var wb = web.view(mainForm); wb.go("/html/index.html"); var index = 0; mainForm.setInterval( 100,function(){ wb.doScript(string.concat("Add_FromEx(",index,",",math.random()*134,")")); index++; } );
步进图 (台阶图)
将示例1中第2步函数改为 addStepSeries()
const data1 = [ { x: 0, y: 1.52 }, { x: 1, y: 1.52 }, { x: 2, y: 1.52 }, { x: 3, y: 1.58 }, { x: 4, y: 2.00 }, { x: 5, y: 2.00 }, { x: 6, y: 2.00 }, { x: 7, y: 2.00 }, { x: 8, y: 2.26 }, { x: 9, y: 1.90 }, { x: 10, y: 1.90 }, { x: 11, y: 1.90 }, { x: 12, y: 1.90 }, { x: 13, y: 1.60 }, { x: 14, y: 1.60 }, { x: 15, y: 1.60 }, { x: 16, y: 1.00 }, { x: 17, y: 1.00 }, { x: 18, y: 1.00 }, { x: 19, y: 1.74 }, { x: 20, y: 1.47 }, { x: 21, y: 1.47 }, { x: 22, y: 1.47 }, { x: 23, y: 1.74 }, { x: 24, y: 1.74 }, { x: 25, y: 1.74 }, { x: 27, y: 1.5 }, { x: 28, y: 1.5 }, { x: 29, y: 1.5 } ] const lineSeries = chart.addStepSeries() .setName('测试数据') .add(data1)
共享X轴 / 双Y轴 波形图
共享x轴就是获取到默认X轴引用, 获取默认Y轴引用, 然后新增一个Y轴引用, 然后在add里定义引用哪个X或者哪个Y, 所以可以很灵活的, 不局限于两个Y, 可以N个Y轴共用......
const axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX() axisX.setTitle('共享X轴') const axisY1 = chart.getDefaultAxisY() axisY1.setTitle('独立Y1') const axisY2 = chart.addAxisY() axisY2.setTitle('独立Y2')
2. 在addSplineSeries()里增加定义X和Y轴引用参数
const lineSeries1 = chart.addSplineSeries({ xAxis: axisX, yAxis: axisY1 }) .setName('独立Y1数据') .add(data1) const lineSeries2 = chart.addSplineSeries({ xAxis: axisX, yAxis: axisY2 }) .setName('独立Y2数据') .add(data2)
如果你想要把Y2显示在右边, 那么可以
const axisY2 = chart.addAxisY({ opposite: true }) axisY2.setTitle('独立Y2')
分裂表 ( 多个图表在一个表里显示 )
创建绘图板, 设置拆分表
下面分裂为两行一列, 显示上下两个表
// Create Dashboard. const db = lightningChart().Dashboard({ // theme: Themes.darkGold numberOfRows: 2, numberOfColumns: 1 }) // Create two XY-charts. const chart1 = db.createChartXY({ columnIndex: 0, rowIndex: 0, columnSpan: 1, rowSpan: 1 }) chart1.setTitle('测试1') const chart2 = db.createChartXY({ columnIndex: 0, rowIndex: 1, columnSpan: 1, rowSpan: 1 }) chart2.setTitle('测试2') // Add a line series. const lineSeries1 = chart1.addLineSeries() .setName('测试数据1') .add(data1) const lineSeries2 = chart2.addLineSeries() .setName('测试数据2') .add(data2)
没啥好说的, 直接上代码
<script> const { lightningChart, OHLCFigures, AxisTickStrategies } = lcjs //Note: @arction/lcjs is not needed here, when using IIFE assembly // Create a XY Chart. const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY({ // Set the chart into a div with id, 'target'. // Chart's size will automatically adjust to div's size. container: 'target' }) .setTitle('aardio 调用 LightningChartJS') // Set chart title const axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX() .setTickStrategy( AxisTickStrategies.DateTime, (tickStrategy) => tickStrategy.setDateOrigin(new Date()) ) const data = [ [new Date(2019, 6, 29).getTime(), 208.46, 210.64, 208.44, 209.68], [new Date(2019, 6, 30).getTime(), 208.76, 210.16, 207.31, 208.78], [new Date(2019, 6, 31).getTime(), 216.42, 221.37, 211.3, 213.04], [new Date(2019, 7, 1).getTime(), 213.9, 218.03, 206.74, 208.43], [new Date(2019, 7, 2).getTime(), 205.53, 206.43, 201.63, 204.02], [new Date(2019, 7, 5).getTime(), 197.99, 198.65, 192.58, 193.34], [new Date(2019, 7, 6).getTime(), 196.31, 198.07, 194.04, 197], [new Date(2019, 7, 7).getTime(), 195.41, 199.56, 193.82, 199.04], [new Date(2019, 7, 8).getTime(), 200.2, 203.53, 199.39, 203.43], [new Date(2019, 7, 9).getTime(), 201.3, 202.76, 199.29, 200.99], [new Date(2019, 7, 12).getTime(), 199.62, 202.05, 199.15, 200.48], [new Date(2019, 7, 13).getTime(), 201.02, 212.14, 200.48, 208.97], [new Date(2019, 7, 14).getTime(), 203.16, 206.44, 202.59, 202.75], [new Date(2019, 7, 15).getTime(), 203.46, 205.14, 199.67, 201.74], [new Date(2019, 7, 16).getTime(), 204.28, 207.16, 203.84, 206.5], [new Date(2019, 7, 19).getTime(), 210.62, 212.73, 210.03, 210.35], [new Date(2019, 7, 20).getTime(), 210.88, 213.35, 210.32, 210.36], [new Date(2019, 7, 21).getTime(), 212.99, 213.65, 211.6, 212.64], [new Date(2019, 7, 22).getTime(), 213.19, 214.44, 210.75, 212.46], [new Date(2019, 7, 23).getTime(), 209.43, 212.05, 201, 202.64] ] // Add a line series. const lineSeries1 = chart.addOHLCSeries({ positiveFigure: OHLCFigures.Candlestick }) .setName('测试数据1') .add(data) </script>
<script> const { lightningChart } = lcjs const chart3D = lightningChart().Chart3D({ container: 'target' }) .setTitle('3D Scatter Chart') chart3D.getDefaultAxisX().setTitle('Axis X') chart3D.getDefaultAxisY().setTitle('Axis Y') chart3D.getDefaultAxisZ().setTitle('Axis Z') // Add a line series. const series = chart3D.addPointSeries() .setName('测试数据1') for ( let row = 0; row < 200; row ++ ) { for ( let column = 0; column < 200; column ++ ) { series.add({ x: row, z: column, y: Math.random()*8 }) } } </script>
所以, 步骤
// Create a new ChartXY. const chart3D = lightningChart().Chart3D() // Add a line series using default X, Y and Z axes. const series = chart3D.addPointSeries()
2. 添加数据
// Single point. series.add({ x: 50, y: 60, z: 40 }) // Multiple points at once. series.add([ { x: 55, y: 60, z:40 }, { x: 60, y: 62, z:40 }, { x: 65, y: 65, z:50 } ])
示例1: XY折线图
第一步 , 模拟两组数据
2. 用 addLineSeries() 将数据添加到波形图里
3. 增加图例显示
4. 设置XY轴名称 和 间隔
5. 将图例横过来放置
5.1 首先在引用中新增图例属性
5.2 在图例添加函数中增加参数
补充: 平滑曲线
将上面第2步中添加函数改为 addSplineSeries() 即可
将上面第2步中添加函数改为 addPointLineSeries() 即可