最近有关编码问题的解决方法聊的很嗨,之前封装过一个智能识别编码的库 uchardet,在此分享一下
uchardet的官方网站是 https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/uchardet/
uchardet is an encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine the encoding of the text. Returned encoding names are iconv-compatible.
uchardet started as a C language binding of the original C++ implementation of the universal charset detection library by Mozilla. It can now detect more charsets, and more reliably than the original implementation.
/* edit: popy32 contact: 740502708#qq.com */ import console; var dll = raw.loadDll( "/libuchardet.dll" ); /* uchardet_t uchardet_new(void) void uchardet_delete(uchardet_t ud) int uchardet_handle_data(uchardet_t ud, const char * data, size_t len) int retval = uchardet_handle_data(handle, buffer, len); void uchardet_data_end(uchardet_t ud) uchardet_data_end(handle); const char* uchardet_get_charset(uchardet_t ud) const char * charset = uchardet_get_charset(handle); uchardet_delete(handle); */ /* 查看dll导出表:看头文件或dll review c api <-> aardio api */ var uchardet_new = dll.api( "uchardet_new","pointer(void)", "cdcel" ); var uchardet_delete = dll.api( "uchardet_delete","void(pointer)", "cdcel" ); var uchardet_handle_data = dll.api( "uchardet_handle_data","int(pointer, string, INT)", "cdcel" ); var uchardet_get_charset = dll.api( "uchardet_get_charset", "string(pointer)", "cdcel" ); var uchardet_data_end = dll.api( "uchardet_data_end","void(pointer)", "cdcel" ); /* char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; void detect(FILE * fp) { uchardet_t handle = uchardet_new(); while (!feof(fp)) { size_t len = fread(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, fp); int retval = uchardet_handle_data(handle, buffer, len); if (retval != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Handle data error.\n"); exit(1); } } uchardet_data_end(handle); const char * charset = uchardet_get_charset(handle); if (*charset) printf("%s\n", charset); else printf("unknown\n"); uchardet_delete(handle); } */ /* 再封装一层函数方便调用 */ var getStringCodec = function(strBuffer){ if(type(strBuffer) != type(type.string)) { return nil; } var pHandle = uchardet_new(); var retval = uchardet_handle_data(pHandle, strBuffer, #strBuffer + 1); uchardet_data_end(pHandle); var codecType = uchardet_get_charset(pHandle); uchardet_delete(pHandle); return codecType; } /* 调用示例 事实aardio支持utf8,默认做了编码处理 但计算机底层的编解码原理,编解码逻辑一定要熟悉掌握。 */ var strBuffer = "中华汉字,生动形象。传播文明,盖世无双。"; var result = getStringCodec(strBuffer); console.log(result); var strBuffer2 = string.fromto(strBuffer,65001,0) ; result = getStringCodec(strBuffer2); console.log(result); var strBuffer3 = "物語を創りあげるのも自分なら、絵を描くのも自分。ただペン一本だけで、胸キュンの少女漫画も、アクションたっぷりの少年漫画も、どんな世界も生み出してしまう“漫画家”という仕事。浦沢直樹さんが、人気漫画の創作の秘密に迫るこの番組では、毎回、有名漫画家の驚くべき技と熱い思いが浮き彫りになります。"; result = getStringCodec(string.fromto(strBuffer3,65001,932)); console.log(result); console.pause(true);